Full time and part time projects
25 September 2014
After completing some, mostly fulltime, interim projects in the past eight years, I am now working for several clients simultaneously. Besides for Barentz International in Hoofddorp I am involved in an assingment for Dummen Orange (De Lier).
In general, companies hire me for advise and developing proposals for efficiency improvement and cost reduction regarding treasury management. When required, I take care for implementation of these recommendations.
In September 2014 I successfully completed the Postgraduate course Corporate Finance and Treasury Management, at the Amsterdam VU University, qualifying for "Register Treasurer". I wrote my thesis for this study about 'Cash pooling in Central and Eastern Europe'.
Please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be glad to assess all your questions and issues regarding treasury, or help you out as an interim professional.

Vliegersvelderlaan 43
3771 XE Barneveld
Presentation Eurofinance Budapest 15 Oktober 2014